Course Details
Go Live Training Course Design – Administration Training
Attendees: Administrator and Collection Management Team
Duration: One hour
Content: An introduction to the Settings and Parameters within collectionHQ
Objective: To identify, understand and optimize the Administration Module and optimize the Targets, Parameter and functions in to best meet your requirements.
Administration Training Modules
Common tasks
- My account
- Users
- Report regeneration
- Cart links
ILS Settings
- Organizational hierarchy
- Fiction collection hierarchy
- Dewey groups
- Nonfiction categories
- Non book collection hierarchy
- Fiction tools
- Collection check
- Dead
- Grubby
- Popular Authors
- Holds Ratio Purchase Thresholds
- Nonfiction tools
- Collection check
- Dead
- Grubby
- Understock / Overstock
- High Use
- Non book and eBook
- Overridden targets
- Target audit
- Library logo change
- Barcode configuration
- ISBN look up
- Date
- RFID vendor configuration
- Help
- Training
- Community
- News