
COVID-19 Webinar: Maintaining a healthy collection during library closures – Part 2

Join us to learn how your library can utilize the collectionHQ toolset to maintain high collection standards both during closures and when the building opens again to the public. The webcast will discuss:

  • The latest updates to collectionHQ.
  • Maximizing Dashboards to analyze and share data about your collection.
  • Using collectionHQ to support selection.
  • ‘Discovery’ tips and tricks.

Please note, this webinar takes place at 2pm EDT. An on-demand version will be available to accomodate customers on various time zones.

COVID-19 Webinar: Applying ESP to prepare your library for reopening

Join us to learn how ESP can be used to maintain the relevance and appeal of your collection to support the library’s reopening strategy. This webcast will discuss:

  • Updates to ESP to accommodate temporary closures.
  • Differences between Category and BISAC scores.
  • Best practice when ranking carts.
  • Distribution tips and tricks.

Please note, this webinar takes place at 2pm EDT. An on-demand version will be available to accomodate customers on various time zones.

COVID-19 Webinar: Maintaining a healthy collection during library closures – Part 1

Join us to discover how your library can utilize the collectionHQ toolset during closures to maintain the standard of your collection and improve its appeal in time for the library opening again. The webcast will discuss:

  • Updates to collectionHQ to accommodate temporary closures.
  • Techniques for analyzing Dead on Arrival.
  • Getting the most out of Collection Check.
  • Assessing time-critical Non-Fiction material with the Outdated Stock Check tool.

Please note, this webinar takes place at 2pm EDT. An on-demand version will be available to accomodate customers on various time zones.

Webcast: Hey Siri, What Does the Future of Public Libraries Look Like?

This webinar will discuss the use of AI in public libraries and provide advice on how your library can ensure it is not only prepared for the changes AI will bring, but that it is positioned to shape and then lead the world that AI is helping to create. Featuring presentations from the New Orleans Public Library and King County Library System, the webinar will share specific examples of how AI is being used to inform the selection of pre-published titles based on predictive algorithms, and how voice-assisted technology can be used to connect patrons to library resources.

collectionHQ & ESP Forum and Luncheon at PLA 2020

Join us to discover the latest trends and practices in evidence-based collection development.

The theme of this year’s Forum is “Merchandising for Success”. Various experts will present tips and tricks for promoting your collection to maximize performance, with examples of how collectionHQ and ESP can help. Our staff will also provide you with an update on the collectionHQ and ESP roadmap.