
Webinar: Using Performance to Achieve Collection Management Goals

This is an online event for collectionHQ customers to learn more about using collectionHQ’s Performance tools to achieve collection management goals. The live webinar runs from 10am-11am EST and will be archived to view at a later date.

collectionHQ NYLA Forum 2014

Hosted during the NYLA Conference 2014, this Forum provides collectionHQ users the opportunity to discuss collectionHQ best practice and share experiences. Teas, coffees and lunch will be served.

Charleston Conference

Training Webinar – Using Performance to Achieve Collection Management Goals

Hosted by a certified ‘EBSM – Evidence Based Stock Management’ trainer, this webinar will cover a wide range of topics and will share examples of best practice when using collectionHQ to support collection performance improvements at your library.

collectionHQ Northwest U.S.A. Forum 2014

collectionHQ Account Manager, Kristen Becker, invites libraries from the Northwest region to a day of dialog surrounding collectionHQ best practice and developments. Teas, coffees and lunch will be served.