
Fort Vancouver Regional Library, WA

Based in Vancouver, WA, Fort Vancouver Regional Library District is a 12 branch library system serving a population of 447,885. With a breadth of knowledge about consumer demand, staff at the library required the evidence to back up collection management decisions and the ability to spread processes more evenly across the branches.

Brazoria County Library System, TX

Brazoria County Library System is made up of 11 branches and serves a population of over 300,000. Maintaining a high standard of collection in an efficient and cost-effective way across the system was to prove difficult and so collectionHQ was implemented at the library.

Brooklyn Public Library, NY

Brooklyn Public Library comprises 58 branches and 2 bookmobiles, serving a population of over 2.5 million. The library required a solution to help manage and develop its collection efficiently and effectively at a time of staff shortages. collectionHQ was enlisted to assist with this objective.

Calgary Public Library, AB

Calgary Public Library is made up of 18 branches and serves a population of over 1,000,000. Making evidence-based decisions in terms of collection management and development has always been an important factor for the library system and collectionHQ was identified as the perfect accessory to complement this method of working.

Cornwall Library Services, U.K.

Cornwall Library Services, United Kingdom, is a 32 branch system serving a population of over 520,000. Moving to self-service combined with a major re-structuring project meant that the library required an efficient and effective method of monitoring stock performance with limited staff resources.