EBSM Collection Planning
EBSM collection planning takes place at the end of the Assessment and beginning of Acclimitisation phases:
1. End of Assessment Phase
At the end of the Assessment Phase, a schedule for a single collection (or a limited group of collections) would have been put in place. This does not mean that EBSM adoption for another collection cannot start until the current schedule for a collection has completed. Such an approach would not make sense, and go against the concept of continuous improvement that EBSM delivers.
The suggested approach therefore is to create a schedule for a collection, and then one or two months later schedule a new collection, and so on, resulting in many collections that are being addressed at the same time – a schedule for the Crime collection might be at the Collection Removal stage while a schedule for Romance is at Collection Maintenance.
2. Start of Acclimitisation Phase
Planning for the scheduling of new collections takes place. This activity is priority led, where the priorities are based around the monthly performance reports for each of the EBSM KPIs from EBSM adoption through to the current date.
It is very important that Collection Planning does take place at this point, this may result in an ad-hoc journey towards collection performance improvement, or at worst the methodology could stall before it is properly started due to the lack of forward planning.
The methodology also advises that schedules for collections are repeated again in the future. As a minimum EBSM suggests that a collection is rescheduled every three years. Where more frequent rescheduling is put in place, the EBSM results produced will be more effective.