collectionHQ announces launch into the academic library market

GLASGOW, Scotland,June 27, 2024 — collectionHQ, the global provider of library collection improvement solutions, has announced the launch of a brand-new product, “cHQacademic” for academic libraries.

Since 2008, collectionHQ’s powerful technology has been analyzing collection data to produce evidence-based action plans that empower public libraries to improve resources effectively and deliver a better service to their communities. cHQacademic will harness the same technology that has been tried and tested by librarians to help academic library professionals make informed, efficient decisions about their collections and enhance the student experience.

cHQacademic’s early adopter program has already seen success with six academic libraries, including Siena College in New York, Florida State College at Jacksonville, Florida SouthWestern State College, and Martin Luther College in Minnesota, joining. The team at collectionHQ is excited to welcome more libraries following the official launch of cHQacademic at a special event tomorrow in San Diego, just before the official opening of the American Libraries Association Annual Conference.

Dr. Susan Mythen, Dean of Library and Tutoring Services at Florida State College at Jacksonville, shared, “cHQacademic has been an invaluable tool for our library. It excels at performing deep dives into collection data for major projects and long-term planning while also providing quick, detailed information on demand. The intuitive visual platform makes it accessible for everyone. This is the tool we’ve been looking for!”

Alicia Pearson, Technical Services Coordinator for Cataloging, Metadata and Collection Development at the Siena College, NY, commented, “collectionHQ has been an invaluable partner in analyzing our print collection. We are in the midst of a significant transition to our collection development model and could not get a meaningful handle on the status of our inventory without the support of the collectionHQ team.  They are a significant piece of our strategy to build a plan for an inclusive and meaningful collection.”

Amandeep Kochar, President and CEO of Baker & Taylor, collectionHQ’s parent company, remarked, “cHQacademic marks a significant milestone in collectionHQ’s journey. Since welcoming our first public library customers in 2008, our technology has continued to evolve, transforming collectionHQ into the award-winning, global provider that it is today. Academic libraries face many challenges when it comes to integrating collection management into regular workflows. cHQacademic will simplify these processes so that library professionals can maximize resources and deliver a high-performing, inclusive collection that encourages student success.”

About collectionHQ

collectionHQ is the world’s leading provider of collection performance improvement solutions for libraries. Based on the proven Evidence Based Stock Management (EBSM®) methodology that has been used in libraries for almost thirty years, collectionHQ’s products harness cutting-edge technology to analyze data about the library’s collection and how it has been used over time to deliver easy-to-use action plans that support continuous improvements. With flexible solutions to accommodate public and academic libraries of all sizes, collectionHQ’s team of librarians and data experts provide ongoing support to our library customers so they can optimize collection management workflows, save time and money, improve turnover, and align the collection with user demand.

For more information about collectionHQ’s products and services, please visit

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