Meet David Bishop

David is collectionHQ’s longest-serving Account Manager, having joined the company in 2010. In his role, David provides consultancy and training to 30 library services across the south of England and Wales to help them introduce measurable collection improvements with collectionHQ. His local library is Faringdon Library which has recently been refurbished beautifully by Oxfordshire Libraries.

Hi David! Prior to joining collectionHQ, we know that you had a long tenure in the book industry. Tell us, what is your favourite book?

Frenchman’s Creek by Daphne Du Maurier

Great choice and set in a beautiful part of the world. You must have the opportunity to visit libraries in all kinds of locations as part of your job. What do you love most about working with libraries?

Everyone is welcome and everything under the sun is in there – fantasy, romance and hard facts and figures.

What is your favourite tool in collectionHQ, and how does this help libraries?

Discovery – uniquely in collectionHQ. Discovery gives our customers insights into effective acquisitions in other libraries and shapes their thinking on their own selection policy.

Tell us about your happiest memory of the library.

Playing in the rockery outside Barham Park Library aged 7 (London Borough of Brent) then being allowed into the “grown-ups” library aged 11.

Books have clearly been an important part of your life since childhood. If you could choose, which book would you like to live in?

The Never-ending Story.

And finally, for fun, what is one thing we’d never guess about you?

I’ve explored every mile of the 3,000 miles inland waterways system, apart from a one mile tunnel in Birmingham.

That’s a lot of travelling! We hope you can add that tunnel to your record soon!
It’s been a pleasure catching up with you, David. Thank you!

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