• Introducing cHQacademic

    We're excited to announce that we have extended our award-winning software to college and university libraries with a new product: cHQacademic.

    Based on collectionHQ's proven technology that has been used in public libraries for more than 15 years, cHQacademic delivers evidence-based action plans, so that librarians can manage collections efficiently and cost-effectively.

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  • The world's leading collection performance improvement solution

    collectionHQ from Baker & Taylor innovates the way public libraries select, manage and promote their collections. Uniquely, collectionHQ provides guidance on what action to take to improve the performance of your collection.

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  • Now used in more than 8,000 public library branches worldwide

    collectionHQ manages more than 220 million items for public libraries in the United Kingdom, Ireland, U.S.A., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

    View our case studies
  • The only solution based on a proven methodology

    collectionHQ is based on the powerful Evidence Based Stock Management - EBSM methodology which has been used in public libraries for over 21 years.

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Benefits of using collectionHQ

Here's what our customers say.

  • City of Gosnells
    A smaller collection that is attractive, newer and developed based on analysis of customer borrowing trends via collectionHQ will make choosing a good item much easier for our customers.
    Maxine Ahrens, City of Gosnells Library
  • Evanston Public Library
    "It’s a really good idea to show improvements in areas, and collectionHQ lets you do that better than pretty much any other program. I’ll use (the graphs) in a presentation for my board, or annual report, or stats for the local newspaper and it shows how we’re improving."
    Betsy Bird, Evanston Public Library
  • Oak Park Public Library
    We have intention, strategic objectives, and desire, but the only way to track it is to use collectionHQ.
    Barbara Fitzgerald, Oak Park Public Library
  • Cuyahoga County Public Library
    collectionHQ has helped us to curate to a T a collection that will surprise, delight and honor the library habits of the folks at Bay Village.
    Wendy Bartlett, Cuyahoga County Public Library
  • Mary Riley Styles Public Library
    We looked at a couple of services but what we liked about collectionHQ was that it didn’t just provide a one-off snapshot in time like some of the other products. We wanted something that would allow us to continue analyzing the collection and give us some benchmarks that we could evaluate performance against over time.
    Marshall Webster, Mary Riley Styles Public Library
  • Marin County Free Library
    “We needed a tool to help us discover what is circulating well so that we can align our selection accordingly.”
    Katrina Sadler, Marin County Free Library
  • The Ferguson Library, CT
    “collectionHQ has made a huge difference. Our collection is now on its way to be right sized and more relevant to the needs of our community.”
    The Ferguson Library, CT, U.S.A.
  • Angus Council Libraries, Scotland
    “Since April when we introduced the Scheduling Module I can see that Top Charts for Non-Fiction and Fiction have been run 193 times as opposed to 5 before we started scheduling tasks with collectionHQ.”
    Angus Council Libraries
  • Wyndham City Library Service, VIC
    collectionHQ helps us steadily improve our collection management practices. As a result of using collectionHQ, we are already seeing improvements in our collections. Additionally, it helps streamline the budgeting and transfer process, making it a more efficient and effective process for the library.
    Emily Braithwaite, Collections and Information Services Coordinator, Wyndham City Library Service, Australia
  • Phoenix Public Library, AZ
    collectionHQ helps the Phoenix Library make the best use of our resources while saving staff time. The instant access to monthly collection use is an efficient and enlightening tool for understanding customer demand and changing use patterns.
    Rita Hamilton, City Librarian, Phoenix Public Library, AZ, United States
  • New York Public Library, NY
    collectionHQ has proven to be an especially useful tool in supporting weeding projects at The New York Public Library. Neighborhood branch staff use the monthly reports to maintain their collections, address local need, build an audience for new content and identify collection development priorities.

    Miriam Tuliao, Assistant Director of Branch Collection Development, New York Public Library, NY, United States
  • Dunedin Public Library, NZ
    With collectionHQ, we can confidently plan our collection management calendar well in advance, knowing that all our actions are based on an evidence-driven method that has one aim — to improve our collections.
    Jackie Howell, Collection Development Librarian, Dunedin Public Library, New Zealand
  • Cornwall Library Services, U.K.
    Cornwall Libraries has been using collectionHQ to manage stock since 2007. It is particularly useful in identifying non-issuing stock in self-service libraries, allowing us to transfer items to other branches and maximize the budget spend.
    Linda Moffatt, Stock Team Leader, Cornwall Council Libraries, United Kingdom
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